button in PDF C#

Incorporating interactive elements like buttons into PDFs can greatly enhance user engagement. Whether you want to create forms, trigger actions, or simply add a layer of interactivity to your documents, adding buttons is a powerful feature. In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of adding a button to a PDF in C#.

Why Add Button to PDF?

Adding buttons to a PDF allows you to create dynamic documents where users can perform specific actions such as submitting forms, navigating between pages, or triggering events within the document. This is particularly useful for creating interactive forms, e-books, or instructional materials.

Add Button to PDF - C# API Installation

You can add buttons to existing or new PDF documents by installing Conholdate.Total for .NET on your end. You may configure it using the DLL file or use the NuGet installation command below:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package Conholdate.Total

Add Button to PDF in C#

The steps below explain the process to add button to PDF in C#:

  • Initialize the Annotator: The Annotator object is used to load the PDF document where the button will be added.

  • Create a Button Component: The ButtonComponent object defines the properties of the button, such as Message, BorderColor, ButtonColor, PageNumber, and Box (position and size).

  • Add Replies to the Button: The Replies list allows you to add comments associated with the button, making it more interactive.

  • Add the Button to the PDF: The Add method of the Annotator object is used to add the button to the PDF. Save the PDF:

  • Finally, the Save method saves the modified PDF with the added button.

The sample code below shows how to add button to PDF in C#:

Free Evaluation License

You may get a free temporary license to evaluate various customizations while adding the buttons to PDF documents.

Summing Up

With just a few lines of code, you can add interactive buttons to your PDF documents in C#. You can customize the appearance and functionality of the buttons to suit your needs. Whether you’re building forms, interactive documents, or e-books, this feature enhances the usability and engagement of your PDFs. Moreover, in case of any imbiguities, please write to us at forum.


Can I customize the button appearance?

Yes, you can customize the button’s appearance, including border style, color, and size.

Is it possible to add multiple buttons to a PDF?

Absolutely! You can add as many buttons as needed by creating multiple ButtonComponent instances.

What other interactive elements can I add to a PDF?

In addition to buttons, you can add annotations, text fields, checkboxes, and more.

Does the button work on all PDF readers?

Yes, buttons added using Conholdate.Total for .NET are compatible with all standard PDF readers.

See Also