Excel to CSV Java

Converting Excel files to CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format is a common task in data processing and manipulation. CSV files are widely used for data exchange between different applications due to their simplicity and compatibility. In this guide, we’ll explore how to convert Excel files to CSV using Java.

Why Convert Excel to CSV in Java?

Compatibility: CSV files can be easily imported into various applications such as databases, spreadsheets, and data processing tools.

Simplicity: CSV format is plain text-based, making it human-readable and straightforward to work with.

Data Transformation: Converting Excel to CSV can be part of a larger data transformation process, where data is prepared for analysis, reporting, or migration.

Excel XLSX to CSV Converter - Setting up the Java Environment

Make sure to have the following pre-requisites to convert Excel files to CSV format in Java:

  • The JDK, Java Development Kit configured in your environment.
  • An IDE to create and run Java programs, like NetBeans, Eclipse, etc.
  • Set up the project dependencies by configuring Conholdate.Total for Java using your pom.xml file:

Convert Excel to CSV in Java

The following steps outline the Excel XLSX to CSV file conversion in Java:

  • Initiate an instance of the Workbook class to load the source Excel worksheet.
  • Export Excel to CSV format by calling the save() method along with the SaveFormat parameter.

The code snippet below explains how to convert Excel to CSV in Java:

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Summing Up

Converting Excel to CSV in Java is a straightforward process that only requires a few API calls. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the provided code examples, you can efficiently handle Excel data and convert it to CSV format for further processing or analysis as per your requirements. In case of any ambiguities or concerns, please write to us at forum.


Does the CSV output support Unicode characters and special symbols?

Yes, the CSV output supports Unicode characters and special symbols.

CSV files are suitable for data interchange and short-term storage. For long-term data storage with structured data and complex relationships, you may consider using databases or other data storage solutions that provide more features and scalability.

Can I convert Excel files with complex formulas or macros to CSV?

Excel files with complex formulas or macros may not translate directly to CSV format, as CSV is a simple text-based format without support for formulas or macros. However, you can extract the raw data from Excel sheets and write it to CSV, but the formulas or macros themselves won’t be preserved in the CSV output.

See Also