Electronically Sign Excel Files Online

Sign Excel File Online

Use our free Excel signature app to electronically sign Excel files online. Add digital signatures to your Excel files using a visual interface. You can add or clone the signature as many times as you want.

Free Excel Signature App

How to Sign Excel File

  1. First, upload the Excel file.
  2. Then, click the Sign button.
  3. After that, enter your name to sign the document.
  4. Then, add signature in the form of text, image, biometric impression, stamp, or draw with the free-hand tool.
  5. Lastly, Save or download the signed Excel file to your device.

To use our Excel signature app, you do not need to install any dependencies. Only launch your browser and start signing your unlimited Excel files. Our secure server protects the uploaded data, so you don’t have to be concerned about the privacy or security of your papers. After 24 hours, your submitted files will be automatically deleted from the server.

Developer’s Guide: Electronically Sign Excel Files

In this section, we will discuss how the developers can sign the Excel files programmatically using our standalone libraries. It will be helpful in making an Excel signature app or you can use it in adding a document signature feature to your ongoing software projects.

In the start, we will let you know the signature types that Conholdate.Total provides:

  • Barcode signatures
  • Digital signatures based on certificate files
  • Form-field signatures
  • Image signatures
  • Metadata signatures
  • QR-code signatures
  • Stamp signatures
  • Text signatures

You can add signatures of the earlier listed types to your Excel files.

The implementation in C# and Java languages is given in the following sub-sections.

Add eSignature to Excel Files in C#

The following are the steps and code sample to add text as a digital signature in an Excel file using C#:

Java Tutorial: Digitally Sign Excel Files

The following are the steps to digitally sign an Excel file in Java:


How to sign an Excel spreadsheet?

Upload the Excel spreadsheet and wait until it is pre-processed. After that click on “Sign” button and your document will be opened in the document signature app. Add the desired signature to the Excel sheets and save it.

What browser should be used to sign Excel files?

We support all the latest browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Edge, and Tor. You can use any modern browser to sign an Excel document.

How to share Excel files for signing with others?

After you have uploaded an Excel file, you will be able to copy a signing link which you can share with anyone else on the internet.

What is the maximum allowed Excel file size?

The allowed size of the Excel file is 20 Mb.

What will you do with uploaded files after signing?

The uploaded files will be removed automatically after 24 hours. Meanwhile, the files will remain safe and protected.

How can I create my Excel signature app?

You can use our standalone .NET or Java libraries.

Can I get a license to evaluate the library?

You can acquire a free temporary license to test the API without evaluation limitations.

Ask a Question

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See Also