Merge PPTX C#

Merging multiple PowerPoint presentations is a common requirement, especially when consolidating different presentations into a single file. Whether you’re combining slides from various contributors or integrating multiple project updates into one cohesive deck, merging PPTX files can save time and improve organization. In this blog post, we’ll explore two approaches to merge PPTX files in C#. We’ll first demonstrate how to merge PPTX files directly from disk and then show how to merge presentations using memory streams.

Why Merge PPTX Presentation?

  • Collaboration: Integrate slides from different team members into a single file effortlessly.
  • Efficiency: Save time by automating the merging process, reducing manual copy-paste efforts.
  • Consolidation: Combine multiple presentations into one to streamline information sharing.
  • Consistency: Ensure that all presentations adhere to the same template and design.

Merge Presentation Slides in C# - API Installation

You need to configure Conholdate.Total for .NET by downloading the DLL file from New Releases section or use the NuGet installation command below:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package Conholdate.Total

Merge PPTX Slides in C#

In this section, we’ll demonstrate how to merge two PPTX files in C#. This method is straightforward and involves loading the files from disk, merging them, and saving the result as a new file.

  • Load the Source File: The Merger class is used to load the first PPTX file.
  • Add Another File: The Join method is called to add another PPTX file to the merger.
  • Save the Merged File: Finally, the Save method merges the files and stores the result as a presentation file.

The sample code below shows how to merge PPTX files in C#:

Merge PPTX Presentation using Memory Streams in C#

Sometimes, you may want to merge PPTX presentations without saving them to disk, especially in scenarios where you are working with streams, such as when retrieving files from a database or a web service. This approach uses memory streams to achieve the same goal.

  • Prepare Memory Streams: Load the PPTX files into memory streams.
  • Load PPTX Stream: The Merger class is initialized with the first memory stream and appropriate load options.
  • Join PPTX Streams: The Join method is called to merge the second memory stream into the first.
  • Save the Merged File: The merged presentation is saved as a new PPTX file.

The following sample code demonstrates how to merge PowerPoint Presentation files in C# using memory streams:

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Merging PPTX files in C# is a simple yet powerful way to manage multiple presentations. Whether you’re working directly with files, file streams or using memory streams for more advanced scenarios, different methods provide the tools needed to combine presentations efficiently. Incorporate these methods into your projects to streamline your presentation management tasks. In case of any queries, please write to us at forum.


Is the merged PPTX file editable after combining?

Yes, the merged PPTX file is fully editable. You can open it in PowerPoint or any other compatible application and make further modifications as needed.

Can I merge PPTX files with different layouts or templates?

Yes, you can merge PPTX files with different layouts or templates. The resulting file will include slides from all presentations, but you may need to adjust the layout manually afterward to ensure visual consistency.

Can I automate the merging of PPTX files using a scheduled task or a batch process?

Yes, you can automate the merging process by integrating the provided code into a scheduled task or batch process. This is particularly useful for regular tasks, such as consolidating weekly reports or presentations.

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