
Convert EML to PST in Java

Learn how to convert EML to PST in Java with this step-by-step guide. You can create new PST files from scratch or add EML messages to existing PST files.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert EML to PDF in Java

Converting EML data to a PDF document in Java can be useful for creating formatted reports, exporting data for offline use, or sharing structured information in PDF format. This guide will walk you through the steps to achieve this conversion using Java.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Merge HTML Files in Java

Merging multiple HTML websites or webpages into a single document can be useful for various purposes such as combining reports, consolidating web pages, or creating comprehensive documents. In this blog post, we will learn how to merge HTML files in Java using a simple and efficient approach.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Compress Word Documents in Java

In this blog post, we will explore how to compress Word documents (DOCX) in Java, reducing their size without compromising on quality.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert DWF to PDF in C#

DWF to PDF conversion ensures that DWF files, which are typically used for sharing and viewing rich design data, can be easily distributed, viewed, and printed across various platforms without needing specialized software. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of converting DWF files to PDF using C#.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Draw Circle in C#

Learn how to draw a circle and a filled circle in C# using simple graphics. Follow this step-by-step guide to master circle drawing in C#.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert JSON to PDF in Java

This guide explains how to transform JSON data into a PDF document using Java. Perfect for developers needing to generate PDF reports from JSON data.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert TXT to XLSX in C#

Converting TXT files to Excel (XLSX) is a common requirement when dealing with data processing and analysis. In this blog post, you’ll learn the process of converting TXT to Excel using C#. We’ll cover the steps necessary to read a TXT file and create an Excel file from its contents.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert KML to SHP in C#

Converting KML (Keyhole Markup Language) files to SHP (Shapefile) format is a common task in GIS (Geographic Information Systems). In this blog post, we will understand the process of converting KML to SHP in C#.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min

Convert Word to LaTex in C#

TeX provides precise control over document formatting, making it a preferred choice for many researchers and professionals. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of converting Word to TeX in C# with just a few steps.
‎ · Farhan Raza · 3 min